Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's Really Important

I woke up this morning still feeling kinda bummed about the results of last night's game. My knees, as usual, were stiff and hurt. I knew I had a difficult situation to deal with at work, and I was not looking forward to having to do so. In my world, my day was not going to be that great, and I was grousing about it. Shortly after I got to work this morning, I received an e-mail from my friend Rebecca Ward with the Predators Foundation. Rebecca's e-mail was a slap in my face that brought me back to the reality of what is really important. Trace Kimler is a young man who, at 13, faces far bigger problems than being disappointed in the results of a game, or some minor aches and pains, or problems at work. Trace instead is staring face to face with an aggressive and rare form of cancer- Ewing's Sarcoma. The tumor is located in his left scapula, and he is having surgery to remove the scapula this morning. News Channel 5 has been following Trace's story, and they have an excellent piece on their website about him and how the Predators organization has supported Trace. Follow this link to read about this courageous and exceptional young man:

Trace is going through a battle that dwarfs a playoff race or the daily problems we all face. Godspeed, Trace. Keep up your good fight. You are in our prayers.

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